
We can make your new heating system work for you. There is a whole suite of controls available now to suit all properties. We aim to make your system as controllable and efficient as possible.

Programmable controls provide a comfortable living environment within you home and help minimize domestic heating bills. Temperature data from thermostats and sensors is fed back to the boiler maximizing operating economy. Many of the functions on a new system can be set up by the installer and left alone.

Correctly setting up controls can provide a further estimated 5%-10% saving on your energy bills.

There are lots of different solutions which we can discuss with you.

Wireless Programmable Roomstats

The biggest barrier to changing a heating system is the fact that what is installed already usually dictates what is achievable now. With wireless controls, this restriction is removed it is now easier to improve the efficiency of a heating system. They can be added to almost any system with the absolute minimum of fuss, mess and disruption.

Weather Compensation

This option provides outside sensors to measure temperature changes and adjust the boiler performance to maintain the desired inside temperature, allowing your boiler to operate with maximum efficiency.