
A powerflush is simply a process that gives your central heating system a thorough internal clean and usually improves your systems performance which can lead to lower gas bills.

Powerflushing your system can also extend the lifespan of your boiler. This is required under Part L of the building regulations for any new system.

How does Power Flushing Work?

Because the water in a central heating system is always pumped in the same direction, iron filings, sludge, oil and grease build up within each radiator in your system. This has a detrimental effect on the efficiency of both your radiators and your boiler - in fact - your whole central heating system, reducing it's life expectancy. When a system is professionally power flushed, the system is flushed in different directions, agitating the sludge and debris, so the system can be drained of the deposits. When flushing a system, special chemicals are used to ensure the breakdown of the sludge inside the system, prior to the deposits being removed.

It can sometimes be the case that power flushing a central heating system can expose minor issues with the system, such as tiny leaks from joints or pin-holes in the radiator, caused by corrosion; the leaks previously being clogged by sludge and debris inside the radiator. Unless the central heating system is very old, these issues rarely raise their head, but it's something to consider if you are going to have your gas heating system power flushed, as such leaks can lead to additional unforeseen costs.

Once a gas central heating system has undergone a professional power flush, chemicals are added to the water in the system to prevent further corrosion and to ensure your system runs more efficiently.

New systems and systems once flushed we advise fitting a Scalemaster device to the system which collects the debris magnetically as the system is flows. During your annual service this device is cleaned.